Fundamentals of environmental law / Thomas F.P. Sullivan -- Enforcement and liability / Thomas L. Adams -- Resource conservation and recovery / David R. Case -- Underground Storage Tanks / Karen J. Nardi -- Clean Air Act / F. William Brownell -- Clean Water Act / Lynn M. Gallagher -- Oil Pollution Act / Austin P. Olney -- Safe Drinking Water Act / Daniel J. Kucera -- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act / Ronald E. Cardwell -- National Environmental Policy Act / James W. Spensley -- Toxic Substances Control Act / Stanley W. Landfair -- Pesticides / Marshall Lee Miller -- Pollution Prevention Act / John M. Scagnelli -- Federal Facility Compliance Act / R. Craig Anderson -- Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act / Rolf R. von Oppenfeld -- Occupational Safety and Health Act / Marshall Lee Miller